Riba ribi grize rep - One fish bites the other fishs' tail - Ein Fisch beisst dem anderen Fisch in den Schwanz - Il pesce mangia la coda all'altro pesce
Početna-Home | O nakitu-About jewelry | O meni-About me | Kontakt-Contact
po doma
around house
Fimo nakit, motiv ribice, na prodaju | Fimo jewerly, motif fishes, for sell Fimo nakit, motiv cvjetići, arhiva| Fimo jewerly, motif flowers, archive Razne dekoracije, motiv kućice arhiva | Decorations for house, motif houses, archive
Fimo nakit, motiv ribice, na prodaju | Fimo jewerly, motif kućice, for sell Fimo nakit, motiv ribice, arhiva | Fimo jewerly, motif fishes, archive Razne dekoracije, motiv cvjetići i ostalo, arhiva| Decorations for house, motif flowers, archive
Fimo nakit, motiv cvjetići, na prodaju | Fimo jewerly, motif flowers, for sell Fimo nakit, motiv ribice, arhiva | Fimo jewerly, motif kućice, archive Razne dekoracije, motiv ribice, arhiva | Decorations for house, motif fishes, archive

These sites represent a part of meself, my creativity inspired by the island of Unije, the island on which i spend my summer wacations, the place where I have my peace and my 5m2 of Earth. This site is an exhibition of my fimo jewerly and Unije-inspired-stuff.

Welcome to my page, in my Little Blue!



The only place where you can buy my jewelry is island Unije and only during the summer months. Through these pages I’m inviting those who are interested in my jewelry, whether they come to Unije regularly or occasionally or those who do not have a unique opportunity to visit the island, to see or buy this unique jewelry at any time of year. Jewely in category new are for sell.

Decorations in the category "around house" are not for sale. These are the things that I made for gifts or for myself. All are made of materials collected on Unije’s beach or thrown things.

Od 2009. Since 2009.